On Thursday it was time to check out and jump in the car to head to Olympia for my next stop. On the way I stopped by the Peristerias archaeological site to check out some Tholos tombs of the Mycenaean, 1600 – 1500 BC. Seriously driving around there are so many old sites and things you just come across. I think if you just stopped at them all you wouldn’t get to where you were trying to go. This one wasn’t much of a detour and the stop also helped me get my timing right for checking in at Olympia.

Once I arrived and checked in at Olympia I went for a walk around the town centre streets and checked out the Archimedes museum. Man, did that dude invent and create a lot of cool things. I think the automatic door opening system that he made on a temple to work after a sacrifice had been made was one of my favourites. More so because they didn’t tell everyone what was really going on so lots of peeps apparently believed it was magic and happening because of the sacrifice. Yay, let’s sacrifice more things to open doors.

Anyway, afterwards I kept walking around and headed over to check out the archeological museum then onto the ancient Olympia site. It was really hot so I didn’t jog around the whole Olympic stadium (sorry Grandma, glad you did it) I had a little jog but I walked around the whole thing instead. I enjoyed watching everyone else that was sprinting and running. I just didn’t have any competition to motivate me. Those that were had partners filming them who they were showing off for and being filmed by, or friends that needed to be beat. I would totally have sprinted the whole thing if I had someone else I had to prove something to. On my own I was cool with just walking around it thinking about all of this and wondering what the thoughts had been in people’s minds competing here thousands of years ago.

I bet it was much the same as now, because from all the things left behind and things I keep seeing people really haven’t changed that much in a few thousand years. They like being active, like watching theatre and stories, chatting about ideas. There is quite a bit to see at this site and I do think that going to the museum and then the site is a good way to go. The museum really helps give you an introduction to the buildings with what was found in them. So when you do see the ruins you start remembering which statues or items were found around there and you can really start to build that image up around you.

Once I was done I just went and got some food and headed back to my hotel room for the night. The next day I decided to go for a day trip and check out the archaeological museum of Ancient Elis. Obviously I have not got tired of old sites full of shaped rocks and the things that have been found around them. I love that I just pick these places on a map and go to them with no idea about anything and then I find it all out there. It’s been really fun piecing together bits and the more I travel around the more things start to connect and make sense. I remember something I saw somewhere else and it’s fun joining it all together. I just headed back to Olympia to eat some food and chill out, catching up on work for the rest of the evening.

It was my last night in Olympia and on Saturday I made my way to Patras. I was just coming through for one one night so I got up early and left. I drove straight to Patras, found where I was staying, parked my car and went for a wander. I had about 3 hours till my check in time but I wanted to get to Patras early so I could see as much as possible before leaving the next day.

I went and found Patras Castle which had awesome views of the city. Of course. I really do love a good castle ruin and this one had quite a few nooks and spaces to explore too. Afterwards I went and got something to eat before heading back to my accomodation to check in, drop off my things, and regroup myself before heading out for another explore. I just went walking about taking photos of the street art and checking out what the city of Patras was like. This was a quick visit as I was only here for one night.