My fast walking legs got me there quicker than Google said it would take me and I joined the cue waiting for the gates to open. Well, I was first in line because everyone else lined up was in cars or on buses. When the gate opened and everyone else got to drive along I continued my nice stroll down the long driveway. When I got to the ticket check in/pay point I just cut in front of all the cars lining up and walked to the front of that line.
I decided to go walk around the Palace itself first as I hoped to avoid the tourist bus crowds. I assume there would likely be more arriving as the morning went on. The Palace is still in use so there are just some rooms open to the public and photography is not allowed, hence no photos of the things I saw. They are just in my brain. I did quite like some of the furniture pieces, I also thought that Mum would of appreciated the teapots and cup/saucer collection. The staff in each room were full of information and very happy to share what they knew or answer questions. It was interesting seeing some of the signage and things that were now going to need to be updated as Charles’ coronation had just happened before I arrived in the UK. Things for instance him now being added to the list of Monarchs.
There was a video that played near the end of the Palace tour experience and that gave a good deal of information including about the grounds and some of the things I was going to go walk around next. As I passed through the gift shop and exited I walked out just in time to see an all white peacock strutting its stuff! I have never seen a peacock like this, it was quite magnificent!.
After the floor show, I went off to see the Scone Palace Chapel and the location of the Stone of Scone replica. Obviously I was thinking about Macbeth, while I was here, clearly some of my history knowledge is from Shakespeare. The gardens were lovely to walk around and I enjoyed seeing the old pine forest. There are trees here that were planted in the Victorian era and the grounds are lovely. There is also a hedge maze, which I entered. This was the first time in my life I ever remember entering a maze like this on my own. Unfortunately the viewing platform in the middle that I came across was closed off and out of action. I obviously found my way out. I did go in blind, without looking at the map first as I thought getting all lost and confused with my lack of sense of direction would be fun. I think I spent about 20 minutes walking through it.
When I was done I walked back to Perth’s town centre and found something to eat. Then I just went and got myself organised for checking out the next day, did some work, and chilled out for the evening.
I thought this was incredible. I’ve never seen a tree trunk and roots grow around a tombstone like this.
This Scone Douglas Fir was dedicated to the Queen Elizabeth II for her Golden Jubilee by the Tree Council.