The trip from Glasgow to London was about a 10 hourish bus ride. However I broke my trip up with a short and sweet visit back through Leeds/New Pudsley and stopped in at Callum’s one more time. It was so nice to get to see them all again so soon after saying goodbye the week before. After the bus arrived I just went and caught the train from Leeds to New Pudsey, where Cal met me before we went to pick up the girl’s from Georgie’s yoga studio. It’s a very cute studio and lovely space full of friendly energy!

Cal’s normal routine with the girls is to pop into the pub on a Monday night for a feed. So we went and did that. A roast had been made the night before and there were some leftovers for me, so I didn’t ruin my appetite but I did eat a bowl of chips. (Separate stomach.) We then headed back to their house, and Cal put the girls to bed. I just chilled out for a moment and regrouped myself after all my travels. The roast veggies were also delicious and it was nice to eat another home cooked meal.

Last time I was there we played Ticket to Ride, and Cal was up for a game again. OMG, that was a close game, he ended up winning by 2 points! Georgie then came home a little bit after we finished playing and we all had a bit of a chat before saying goodnight. Cal and I said goodbye as I wouldn’t see him in the morning.

I got up and saw Georgie and the girls off, saying goodbye to them and I hope to catch up with them all again next year. I had a few hours until my bus to London, so I just did some work. Well, I attempted to do some work but I also had a Booshka that needed me to play with her. How was I to deny a dog and her stone, or sometimes a soggy wet toy.

It was raining so I just booked a car to come collect me and take me back to the coach station. It was super lovely to fit this extremely short visit in. I am so grateful for Cal and Georgie opening their home up to me again. It really has been amazing to reconnect (and connect) and sad to say goodbye. However the missing is made easier with future plans for visits and catchups already in the works.