There was more eating in during my week in the Netherlands, than out. My time here was mostly spent visiting Amsterdam as I was staying in Zaandam. However I did get to sample some good foods and I will happily share what I can with you. I can’t even actually share going to any cafe’s in Amsterdam, because I didn’t go to any. There are a few activities I prefer to do with others, so being on my own has meant there are some things I didn’t get up to. Save them for next time when I am back with a friend.
VEGAN EATS: Netherlands | Nat Looking Around


When I met Twan at Modem he was telling me about a vegan food delivery service he was helping to setup and establish back home. He has since taken a step back from being involved with the business side of things, but we ate from here twice within the week!

As I have mentioned before I’m not the biggest fan of fake meat vegan so I opted for the quinoa salad bowl (I can’t see it on the menu now – I ate it too much). It had brocolli, eggplant and nuts and all other tasty things. Obviously chips were also ordered both times. I even tried the sweet potato fries, which were lovely. I tried the vegan feta in the salad the first time I ordered it. I ended up leaving it and not touching it the next time. I’m not cheese or feta or whatever person. I really liked the nuts. There was no eggplant the first time I had the bowl (as pictured) as they had run out (they called and apologised), but the second time I got the eggplant. Yumm!

The food was fresh and super tasty. Personally I would like to see a non meat like burger on the menu – a chickpea, or beetroot, or something else based burger would be ace. I get that the fake meat vegan options are financially viable for businesses and it seems to be super popular in Europe from my looking around so far. I just like ordering more than a salad, as that and chips are generally the same thing I can order at places that sell meat dishes too.


After finding out that the Van Gogh Museum was sold out I had a quick poke around to see what vegan food I could drown my sorrows with. The Vegan Temple Bar looked like a good option. It’s got a cute bar design and I found myself a comfy seat near the door. There is some cool art on the walls and neon led signs glowing.

I went with a felafel burger and fries combo, also got myself an OJ. I loved the cute presentation with tomato sauce hearts and VB letters. Sure in Melbourne VB is associated with something else but here, I knew it was for Vegan (Temple) Bar.
The burger was tasty, chips were good. I was pretty happy with the meal and the cost of food was reasonable.

VEGAN EATS: Netherlands | Nat Looking Around
VEGAN EATS: Amsterdam | Nat Looking Around


Flower Burger seems to be a European vegan fast food franchise. I ended up popping in here for a quick meal after my walking tour of Amsterdam. I gave the spicy chickpea burger a go along with some potato wedges. It was an alright burger. It had flavour and filled me up. The venue itself was cute and quite small. I think there were was about 6 or 7 tables inside.

I haven’t been to a Flower Burger anywhere else on my travels (that I can remember) so I can’t compare to others but I assume they are all quite similar.


I spotted this pancake house while out on my Amsterdam walking tour. They had the word vegan written on the building so I decided that I would come on by later for a pancake. First time eating one over here in Europe. For those that didn’t know me as a child, pancakes were always my favourite food. They are something I still enjoy making and eating. I don’t tend to go out for them as much anymore.

Of course though, I had to give this one a go. It was alright. I chose the lemon and sugar option with their vegan pancake. It was huge and quite filling. Am I rushing out to have another one? No. I’m more likely to make my own. But, I can say that I ate a pancake in Amsterdam.

VEGAN EATS: Amsterdam | Nat Looking Around