It’s been a bit between posts and well, we are all very aware of what 2020 has meant to travel plans. All of mine have been cancelled and refunds/credits obtained as much as possible. Whilst in my planning for all of this travel I found out about Revolut and as quick as I signed up, I forgot that I did due to it being so early in their establishing themselves in Australia. This week I got an email from them and finalised activating my account.

Upon doing so I remembered why I had thought an account with them would be valuable for travelling. With your account you can store multiple currencies, and transfer between with ease at a fantastic conversion rate. You can set auto transfers for when rates hit an amount you want to transfer at, or alerts so it can notify you of time to convert your funds.
The VISA debit card allows you to purchase with ease online and in-store. They have a super friendly and easy to use app. Which helps you to track your budget and monitor your spendings.
I suggest checking them out if you’re banking on travelling again someday. You can sign up for Revolut here.

Like Revolut, Up offers a similar product. An account with them provides you with an everyday account and the ability to create savers. These saver accounts can be created to put money aside for a holiday, a new tv, or a house deposit. They also have a super friendly easy to use app which really does make budgeting and banking more enjoyable. Payments can be categorised and tagged, which can help so much with your accounting.

Up is supported by Bendigo Bank (which is also a pretty ethical banking partner choice). There are no hidden fees and it comes with a pretty cool fluro orange debit Mastercard for easy online and in-store spending. They also have no fees on international ATM withdrawals (on most major bank ATM’s – private ATM fees may occur). Which of course is something you’re looking for in a travel card. I also recommend checking out Up. You can get started with Up here or enter natattack when signing up to recieve $5. (make 5 purchases with Up in the first 30 days and receive another $5 by using my name when joining.)