Yep. It’s a pretty epic era. We’re living through crazy times! And I am just over here all Omniwhat while I keep planning my escape overseas. The lockdown shopping and beginning of booking this trip has me now in serious work-save mode. I bookended Flavius’s Subspace Festival over New Years with buying a ticket to see Crowded House in Madrid ( I just happen to be landing 2 days before the show.), and purchasing my flight to actually leave Australia. Those are the big new ‘where I am at’ to getting to looking around Europe.

So in between those travel news items, 2021 become 2022. I also spent that time helping out with the epic creation from Flavius; Subspace! This was an incredible 3 day lineup of Bass music. Every set was out of this world! It was exciting to see what people had been working on for 2 years independently come together andl join magically.

I opened the decks on the Friday arvo with my usual hip hop/r&b set. My interest in DnB came from a mate saying ‘Nat, you like hip hop, You would like this, I’m going to burn you some cds!’ Just me offering up a justification if anyone needs it. On the Sunday morning I got to play some sweet chill bass tracks. I really enjoy playing chill sets. It’s one of my happy places. Subspace was an unbelievable way to end one crazy year and start another. Check out the video below that I pieced together with footage I filmed playing with my new gimbal! This was the first real test using it. Obviously I plan to take it with me overseas to add videos to these posts while I am away.

I am also starting to consider going back to the half blonde half pink hair style. I love the pink, but the primary reason for the change would be ease when travelling factor. I am so gray that the blonde would blend a lot better with my regrowth than pink does. Especially with not really wanting to worry too much about hair maintenance. There isn’t a Ryn there to dye it for me between hair dresser visits. I’m not convinced about this yet though. There is still time to decide.